Nicole Narracott
Counsellor and Psychotherapist
MBACP Qualified Counsellor & Psychotherapist
BSc Psychology with Hons; MBPS
Walk Leader (through Walking for Health)
Volunteer work with Cruse Bereavement Care and previously with Place2Be and Childline.
I qualified as an integrative therapist in 2018, and have seen clients regularly since then. My specialism grew through the clients I worked with and from personal experience and involvement.
Infertility, Childlessness and babyloss are all too often not spoken about and the grief associated with them not recognised. Others often do not know what to say and you can feel extremely isolated.
I am on the Miscarriage Association's recommended therapists list.
Walking therapy is something I first encountered, as a trainee in my own counselling sessions. I find being in nature very relaxing and activities like walking or gardening give an opportunity to be mindful. This led me to research Eco-Psychology and understand the vital role nature plays in our wellbeing. Each of us has a deep connection to nature. Walking combines the calming benefits of nature with talking therapy.
My consultancy work started following the publication of my book, The Seven Birthstones, in 2020 and has led to working with various organisations, charities and individuals.
My Book:
The Seven Birthstones (available from Amazon)
Featured in:
Finding Hope After Loss Podcast - Nicole's story - 1st November 2023
The Bearing All Project - Featured blog, Chasing Motherhood - 26 May 2023
The Student Midwife Journal, 7 January 2023 - Recurrent Miscarriage and supporting Change (Subscription required for access), see www.all4maternity.com​
The Fertility Conversations Podcast, The Seven Birthstones 2 October 2021​
PLICA Podcast, 7 April 2021 - Behind the smile​
PLICA, 16 March 2021 - The myth of at least
Defining Mum, 27 January 2019 - Nicole's Story